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I am a girl who wants to make a difference maybe even change a life


Saturday, April 2, 2011

That quiet place

I was sitting in the car today... and the hustle bustle of all the cars speeding past, the radio blasting, my mom, little brother, dad, older brother, and his wife all frantically talking and laughing was just getting to me.. I needed to get to that quite place... that place where I could just focus on what was meaningful and important that place where I would feel that peace, acceptance, love, and comfort... Do you have that quiet place? that place where when you feel overwhelmed, stressed out, scared, concerned, worried about the next day or next week?, angry, or sad you can just stop whatever you were saying, thinking about, or doing and just take a deep breath and practically freeze life and just take a break from it all?? Well I most certainly do... right now my quiet place is listening to calm contemporary christian music, being alone, and blogging to all of you..  like for example if I can't get in my quiet place because I'm in school, the car, at the store or out with friends I just pop in my head phones change from a heavy metal song or a fast paced or loud beat song to a soft and calm contemporary christian song like hillsong united, Jason Gray, Tenth Avenue North, David Crowder band, even switch foot and just close my eyes and "zone out the world" or well just my surroundings.. and focus on God and his love for me and maybe talk to him under my breath or in my head... and do that until I feel like I am able to open my eyes and "come back into"
the world...

What is your quiet place it doesnt have to be music or even with God it could be drawing, reading a good book, writing, sitting in the dark deep in your thoughts, singing, playing your instrument, starring at your wall, on your computer, taking photo's, even just sleeping...

I try to go to my quiet place every day just to wind down from the hustle and bustle of this drastically changing A.D.H.D. world and talk to God because he is my best friend, role model, daddy, creator, and counselor... he knows me more than I even know myself! I talk to him and he talks back not actually talking back more like that small still voice in the back of my head or in my heart sometimes its like im thinking what he is saying myself and I write it down in my journal, on a napkine, on my hand, even sometimes when I am talking to a friend! all I know is I can detach my thoughts and voice from his... ya he's kind of like my conscience yet better he knows way more and he always will! But yeah I try to go  to him in my quiet place every night because if I dont I catch myself freaking out, having a mental or emotional break down or making stupid or wrong choices cause I chose to not take 5, 10, 15, 20, even to a half hour or even 10 ours of my sleep or hangout time to talk to him!

What is your quiet place? Do you go to it as often as you should? do you think you need one if you dont have one??

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